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Delivering clarity to whatcom transportation authority

Delivering clarity to whatcom transportation authority

The RoadRunner 4K system delivers the clearest, highest quality video, supporting advanced analytics

Geoff Beaumont, the Operations Supervisor for Whatcom Transportation Authority in Bellingham, Washington, says Luminator Technology Group’s On-board Video Security solutions help his agency to reduce maintenance costs, increase security, and mitigate risk and liability.

RoadRunner On-board Video Security Systems are designed to enhance fleet efficiency, reduce maintenance and operating costs, increase accessibility of data and mitigate risk and liability. Our customers benefit from decades of experience in development, design, manufacturing and support of solutions, including video evidence management, advanced analytics, and machine learning technology.

The RoadRunner 4K system delivers the clearest, highest quality video, supporting advanced analytics. Excellent zoom capabilities capture license plates and other details with exceptional clarity.

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